Friday, March 12, 2010

My grandma is about 63 years old. So ...

My grandma is about 63 years old. So that is approximately thirty years of technological advancements and price changes that now separates my grandmother’s childhood, from mine.


Question #1: How have the prices for the buses that ride through alameda changed in these many years?



Her: Prices for buses have changed by through out my life by such a great deal… I remember that a few friends and I would get fifteen cents a day from our moms. We were able to choose from two different things that we could do with that money. We could either take the bus to Park Street and hang out and have no money to spend while we were there, or we could walk from over by Washington Park all the way to Park Street to go swimming. So we would walk the distance and spend ten cents getting into the alameda high community pool. We stayed there all through out the day and on our way back we would get a chicken noodle soup from the dispenser and share it on the way home.


Me: Wait what do you mean by the dispenser?


Her: You know those hot coffee dispensers? It’s like that but hot chicken noodle soup in a cup. They don’t have them anymore because they found out they weren’t good for you.



Question #2: What was on T.V. when you were younger? And was the sitcoms, shows, and what not, the same?



Her: Hahaha. Aw, man. I used to watch the Brady Bunch everyday after school. They were actually only on from three to five and ten another network would take over. That was the worst time of the day for us and the little kids because the Brady Bunch was so popular. I liked Greg. And your Auntie Carol thought she was Jan and was in love with Peter.


            Me: Whom did dad like? Lol.


            Her: Your dad was in deep love with Marsha.


            Me: What about for cartoons though, mom?

Her: Cartoons were only on Saturday mornings. Oh and the T.V. would turn off at midnight and then the American Anthem.


Me: Oh my god! Haha. That would suck



Question #3: What did you do for fun? I mean like from day to day.



Her: I liked to play baseball all the time! Like the neighborhood kids and I would go on these adventures and play all kinds a sports. I even used to play with your dad.


Me: You doing adventures and sports? What do you mean? And when the hell would you hang out with dad lol?


Her: Yeah adventures! Ya know? Like find something cool in the sand.

Me: Oh!! Haha that’s what mean. That sounds pretty fun. But yeah, you hung out with dad?


Her: Yeah! Not much but a few times here and there. Like we were friends but not really close yet.



Question #4: What about fashion back then?!



            Me: What did you guys where in those days lol.


HerUmm. It was mainly bell-bottoms and halter-tops and daisy dukes and platform shoes.


Me: Hahaha. Wait not dad!!


Her: Haha. Him too! He used to look hella good. In those jeans and platforms with slicked back hair.


Me: Eww mom stop. That’s such a bad image! Lmao.


her: He was one foxy man. Haha. Alright, alright ill stop. But yeah it was very peace, lovey, and tripy. Nothing like your teen style today.

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